"Help Me Pull That Cursor" A Collaborative Interactive Floor Enhancing Community Interaction


  • Peter Krogh
  • Martin Ludvigsen
  • Andreas Lykke-Olesen




OZCHI, collaboration, library, community


In this paper we describe the development, experiments and evaluation of the iFloor, an interactive floor prototype installed at the local central municipality library. The primary purpose of the iFloor prototype is to support and stimulate community interaction between collocated people. The context of the library demands that any user can walk up and use the prototype without any devices or prior introduction. To achieve this, the iFloor proposes innovative interaction (modes/paradigms/patterns) for floor surfaces through the means of video tracking. Browsing and selecting content is done in a collaborative process and mobile phones are used for posting messages onto the floor. The iFloor highlights topics on social issues of ubiquitous computing environments in public spaces, and provides an example of how to exploit human spatial movements, positions and arrangements in interaction with computers.


How to Cite

Krogh, P., Ludvigsen, M., & Lykke-Olesen, A. (2004). "Help Me Pull That Cursor" A Collaborative Interactive Floor Enhancing Community Interaction. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v11i2.126



Selected Papers from the Australian Conf on Human Computer Interaction (OZCHI)