Examining Post-Adoptive Change of Enterprise System Implementations: A Socio-Technical Perspective
Enterprise system implementation, socio-technical perspective, post-adoption, qualitative interpretive case studyAbstract
The implementation of a new enterprise system is a major change event for end-users. Since organisations need to modify their processes and structures to align with the enterprise system, users must learn and understand the new system as well as engage with it in their work practices. Past research has largely focused on the initial organisational adoption of an enterprise system. However, there has been little research concerning the change process in the post-adoption stage. This research addresses this gap by drawing on the punctuated socio-technical information system change (PSIC) model to explain the change through critical events, gaps between socio-technical components, responses to gaps, and outcomes. The research question is: How do socio-technical changes unfold in an enterprise system implementation? The study employs a qualitative interpretive case study method. The results reveal that changes in the structure of work following enterprise system implementation affect organisational performance, the social system, and individual work practices. This research contributes to a better understanding of technical and social changes and their impacts in the post-adoption of enterprise system implementation. The findings may assist organisations in providing appropriate resources and support for successful enterprise system implementation.
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