Antecedents of Effective Digital Leadership of Enterprises in Asia Pacific


  • Nanda Kumar Karippur S P Jain School of Global Management, Singapore
  • Pushpa Rani Balaramachandran S P Jain School of Global Management, Singapore



Ambidexterity, Digital leadership, Digital transformation, Digital governance, Dynamic capabilities, Transformational leadership


Increasing awareness of digital transformation across Asia Pacific is putting a strong spotlight on how enterprises think of leadership and related key practices. The pace of transition to the new digital organisation creates even larger leadership gaps as most organisations have not moved rapidly enough to develop relevant leadership practices. With the support of literature, an analysis of related theories of transformational leadership, ambidexterity and dynamic capabilities are examined and the most suitable leadership attributes and practices for a digital enterprise is proposed. We test the proposed research model via a sample of leaders and senior managers from the Asia Pacific region. The results highlight the significant roles of leadership attributes, strategic priorities, organisational focus areas for exploration and digital governance practices for exploitation, in influencing effective digital leadership. The article reports valuable insights and relevant implications for leaders, enterprises, and researchers.


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How to Cite

Karippur, N. K., & Balaramachandran, P. R. (2022). Antecedents of Effective Digital Leadership of Enterprises in Asia Pacific. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 26.



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