Demystifying the Dark Side of Social Networking Sites through Mindfulness


  • Yusuf Hassan Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Business School Dubai
  • Jatin Pandey Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore



SNS, CSNS, Sequential mixed method, mindfullness, extraversion


Over the last few decades, social networking sites (SNS) have evolved as an effective medium of communication for the world. They are instrumental in connecting people across time and space with just a click. However, the darker side of SNS has resulted in a deteriorated human connection between individuals in real life. The current study is an attempt to examine the compulsive usage of SNS in detail. It utilizes a sequential mixed method design to examine the negative outcome of compulsive SNS usage and the effect of mindfulness in overcoming them. Findings of the study suggest that compulsive usage mediates the relationship between mindfulness and exhaustion; further, this relationship is moderated by extroversion personality traits.


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How to Cite

Hassan, Y., & Pandey, J. (2021). Demystifying the Dark Side of Social Networking Sites through Mindfulness. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 25.



Research on User Involvement