Modelling Customer Engagement Behaviour in Smart Retailing
Modelling Customer Engagement Behaviour
Customer engagement behaviour, Smart retailing, Smart services, meta-UTAUT, Social influenceAbstract
Smart retail technologies are transforming the way companies engage with customers in retailing context. However, the real onset is unknown of which smart retail technology (SRT) characteristics and customer responses pave the way for customer engagement behaviour. This research investigates customer engagement behaviour in smart retailing by integrating meta-UTAUT and SRT characteristics. By analysing quantitative survey data using PLS path modelling, customer engagement manifestations are measured. Results show complex relationships between SRT characteristics (novelty, effectiveness, and interaction quality) and meta-UTAUT variables (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions) in influencing customers’ attitude, behavioural intention, and engagement behaviour towards smart retailing. Retailers can use the findings to influence customers’ attitudes towards smart retail technologies, encouraging them to display customer engagement behaviour.
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