Trust Types and Mediating Effect of Consumer Trust in m-payment Adoption: An empirical Examination of Vietnamese Consumers
mobile payment adoption, consumer trust, trust types, technology adoptionAbstract
This study employs a quantitative method to investigate different types of trust in m-payment adoption. It aims to overcome the limitation of previous studies which lack differentiating trust types and investigating any mediating effect to m-payment adoption. Data of the study was collected in Vietnam, one of fastest growing m-payment usage markets globally in 2019. The research found significant and positive impacts of m-payment provider trust, institution-based trust, and seller trust on the overall consumer trust, which then fully mediates the relationships of three trust types and m-payment adoption. The study also revealed that technology trust is embedded in m-payment provider trust, suggesting that the m-payment provider is considered fully responsible for ensuring technology protection from the perspective of the m-payment consumers. The results enable researchers to better understand trust characteristics in m-payment adoption as well as technology adoption in general. In addition, the findings are beneficial to practitioners such as policy makers, consultants, and m-payment service providers to improve different elements of consumer trust, leading to higher m-payment adoption.
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