E-governance using mobile applications: A case study of India during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Sandeep Goyal LM Thapar School of Management, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
  • Anandan Pillai Publicis Media India
  • Sumedha Chauhan O. P. Jindal Global University, India




Intention to Use, COVID-19, Pandemic, Contact Tracing Mobile Application, Theory of consumption values, Technology adoption, E-governance


Healthcare initiatives backed by electronic-governance (e-governance) principles have contributed well to the extant literature and practice. Governments and healthcare systems across the world were taken aback by the swamping impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, they reacted quickly by developing contact-tracing mobile applications (apps) for creating awareness, providing information about various healthcare initiatives, and helping citizens to use the required information in case of emergency. The major challenge was to develop such e-governance interventions in a short time and ensure their quick adoption among the masses. Hence, it is worthwhile to investigate the factors leading to the adoption of such e-governance initiatives, especially in the context of a widespread pandemic situation. The present study is an attempt to analyze the factors driving the intention to use contact tracing mobile apps launched by governments globally during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have conducted the study in the context of India, where the government launched a community-driven contact tracing mobile app for its citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020. The study adopted an empirical approach to test how epistemic value, convenience value, conditional value, functional value, and privacy concerns influenced the intention to use this approach. The study found that intention to use such an app was positively influenced by functional value, which in turn was positively influenced by convenience and conditional values. It suggests that the convenience of using the app, perceived seriousness of the pandemic (i.e., conditional value), and utilitarian benefits (i.e., functional value) of the contact-tracing mobile app enhanced its acceptance. However, its novelty (i.e., epistemic value) and privacy concerns are not significant predictors of intention to use. The study recommends that the government should place more emphasis on improving the functional value which is driven by convenience and context-specific features to push the use of an e-governance initiative during the crisis.

Author Biographies

Sandeep Goyal, LM Thapar School of Management, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India

Sandeep Goyal is a techno-management consultant having more than 20 years of professional experience in the technology industry. He is currently teaching strategy and information systems related courses at LM Thapar School of Management, India and is also associated with Institute for Competitiveness (India) as a Fellow. Regarding academics, he holds Fellow (EFPM) in Strategic Management (Social Entrepreneurship) and visited Martin Prosperity Institute (Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada) as a Research Scholar during Apr-Jun 2013. The research interests involve themes related to Business Models in Emerging Markets, E-commerce, Social Entrepreneurship, Shared Value, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development. He takes courses in the areas of E-Commerce, Managing Information Systems, Business Applications of Cloud Computing, Strategic Management, International Business, Business Models, and Social Entrepreneurship.

Anandan Pillai, Publicis Media India

Anandan Pillai is an Associate Director with Publicis Media India. He has around nine years of professional experience and three years of experience as an academic associate with leading business schools in India. He is a Fellow in Marketing Management from Management Development Institute, Gurugram. He specializes in the area of Digital Strategy, Digital Media Planning & Buying, Paid Media, Social Media Strategy, Online Reputation Management, Online Crisis Management, Martech. On academic front he has published in peer-reviewed journals like Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Product & Brand Management. He is also a reviewer for Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection, Emerald Publishing, IGI Publishing etc.

Sumedha Chauhan, O. P. Jindal Global University, India

Sumedha Chauhan is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics at O. P. Jindal Global University, India. Her research interests include e-commerce and e-learning. She has published research papers in reputed journals such as International Journal of Information Management, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Information Systems Frontiers, Computers & Education, Information Systems Management, and Journal of Enterprise Information Management.


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How to Cite

Goyal, S., Pillai, A., & Chauhan, S. (2021). E-governance using mobile applications: A case study of India during the COVID-19 pandemic. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 25. https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v25i0.3129



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