Sociotechnical perspectives of digital technologies in sustainable mining
Case Study, Digital Mining, Digital Sustainability, Sociotechnical, Sustainable Development Goals, Thematic AnalysisAbstract
This paper adopts an interpretive case study approach to understand the role of digital technologies in addressing seemingly contradictory sustainability goals in mining. The sociotechnical model of information systems was used as a framework to guide the analysis of twenty-five in-depth interviews with globally dispersed digital technology experts working collaboratively at an industry-leading hi-tech mining solutions company. The sociotechnical-led thematic analysis findings highlight the trade-offs experts face in balancing narrow technological imperatives and economic outcomes with broader sustainability goals. The analysis moves beyond the technological and economic to a harmonious perspective of social, human, environmental, and technological interactions. A visual thematic map is presented to aid practitioners in designing and optimally implementing digital technologies to simultaneously address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals while prioritising business sustainability. We conclude by drawing from the proposed sociotechnical perspectives approach for digital sustainability to provide scholars with possible pathways for future responsible information systems research.
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